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Région du Val-de-Travers Durée déterminée 100 %

Retail Operations Coordinator

1308 vues

Job Watch vous propose cette opportunité.

Pour voir l'intégralité de la description de l'offre, connectez-vous à votre compte Job Watch ou inscrivez-vous, c'est gratuit !

your missions


  • Supply STAGE assortment and equipment : front/back-office Boutique tools and other equipment
  • Manage good receipts and returns (in SAP)
  • Organize furniture and material delivery
  • Manage stocks, prepare and run monthly inventory 

STAGE Preparation & Maintenance

  • Prepare STAGE area before visitor’s venue
  • Maintain, update and prepare hardware devices and software use-cases for IT testings
  • Maintain and operate STAGE broadcasting system
  • Update VM environment in line with WW campaigns
  • Coordinate topics related to STAGE area maintenance
  • Coordinate the integration and evolution of prototypes and latest retail solutions
  • Keep in touch with Retail operational functions and suggest any improvement on topics related to Boutique operations 

your profile

  • You have a first experience in Retail Operations or Retail Logistic
  • You possess a excellent organizational skills
  • You are autonomous, proactive and agile
  • You enjoy working in a fast-changing environment
  • You have an excellent command of PowerPoint, other digital tools and SAP
  • You are fluent in English and French
  • The presence on site is required

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